Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

When I decided to get serious about creating my website, there was one decision I needed to make right off the bat.

“To blog or not to blog.”

My favorite thing to do when visiting a photographer’s website is to read their blog, if they have one.  It makes me feel like we’re friends!

So, I knew that I wanted a blog, but didn’t know if I have what it takes to start a blog and keep it going.  I used to have a blog here…before I ever even decided to become a photographer and I loved it.  For a while.  I started out strong, blogging regularly about completely random things, but it quickly died down until I eventually just stopped completely.  Life happened and I couldn’t see the point anymore…I mean, who cared? (insert chorus of faithful followers shouting “Me!”  “I cared!!”  “Ooooh, over here, ME!”)

So, there I was, ready to create a website…to put myself and my work out there for the world to see and I needed to make a decision. Blog or website?  Blog or website??  BLOG OR WEBSITE????!   Those of you who know me, know that it is almost impossible for me to make a decision about anything and this was no exception.

(this is me trying to make a decision)


So, I decided not to decide.  Duh.  I could do both!

Now here’s the thing, there’s nothing more depressing than an abandoned blog (except an unmade bed, according to my grandmother), so if I am going to do this blog thing, then I need to be consistent in my blogging.  My initial goal is to blog twice a week, but so far I’ve failed at this, so I need to step it up.  Starting right now.

To answer the question, “To blog or not to blog?”…well, I guess there’s no right or wrong answer. Some people like it, some people don’t.  Everyone has an opinion.  Some say you shouldn’t mix your personal life into your business, but I say my business IS my personal life and I want you to know as much about me as you care to know!  I like it, so I’m doing it.  So, BOOYEAH!

I have no idea what this will eventually become, but for now, it’s a document and a story.  A document of my work and a story of my business building adventures and my life…with some randomness thrown in for good measure.

(and this? this is my niece, Ellie and me being awesome.)


  • August 7, 2012 - 11:35 pm

    Aunt Bannie - I love your blog, Emma! It’s like reading a public journal of someone I dearly love!!ReplyCancel

  • August 17, 2012 - 4:47 pm

    Mitzi Bentley - I LOVE your blog. I LOVE your pics. You are a wonderful photographer. You seem to be doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing. Keep it coming.ReplyCancel

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Christian and Addison belong to my best friend, Micah.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I must tell you that I have multiple BFF’s (you’ll meet all of them eventually) and each of them play very different roles in my life. Micah’s role is that of therapist…and booty dancin’ partner. She is my rock, my sanity and she has definitely kept my head above water more times than I can count. I don’t know what I would do without her, and I don’t ever want to find out.

We met in college during sorority rush. I’m a little bit of a wallflower, and I used to be super, SUPER shy, so this whole process was agony for me, but I knew I needed to put myself out there…plus, my sister made me do it. Anyway, Micah and my sister were already in the sorority that I eventually joined, and my sister knew that Micah and I would be best friends, so she said as much to Micah and then introduced us. Now, I know what you’re thinking…from that moment on we were inseparable…joined at the hip…instant BFF’s.


Our first conversation went something like this:

Micah: Hey! Nice to meet you!

Me: (smile and nod)

Micah: So, are you having a good time?

Me: (half smile) Yes.

Micah: Cool. So, do you know what you’re going to major in?

Me: (smile and head shake) No.

Micah: (in her head) DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING?!!!!

There was more to it than that…at least on Micah’s part…probably less on mine…but that’s basically how it went and when later asked what she thought about me, I think her exact words were “She’s a dud.” Ouch. Thanks, boo! Luckily, I eventually warmed up, and we soon realized we were soul sistas! And from that moment on, well…there are way too many stories to tell.

Now, back to the main subject: Christian and Addison. I know that Micah feels as if she is burdening me by having me take her family portraits every few months, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love, Love, LOVE that I get to be the one to document this precious time in their lives. And let’s face it, her kids are like the BLING for my blog.

See for yourself. Aren’t they GORGEOUS?!


Addison.  This girl is One. Tough. Cookie.  Basically, everytime I look at her she bursts into tears and puts the death grip on her mama. I mean, I don’t really know what the problem is…I’m like the funnest aunt EVER.  So, I wasn’t so sure how this was going to work, but baby knows how to work a camera. I guess as long as she knows I’m not going to kidnap her, she’s cool.vPINIMAGEV

Christian.  This angel MELTS my heart every single time.  He is the sweetest boy and let’s face it, he is going to break some serious hearts.vPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVMicah.  She is so gorgeous, inside and out.  These kids are lucky to call her mama and I’m lucky to call her friend.  Boo.  Soul sista!!vPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVThis kid…I LOVE him.  vPINIMAGEVWork it sister!vPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVBatman and a hairbrush.  I would kill for hair like that.
vPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVCan’t you just see the wheels turning in that pretty little head? Mischievous, this one. vPINIMAGEVWe must’ve made eye contact.  Drama. Queen.vPINIMAGEVI love these two so much! Christian is the sweetest big brother…Addison is a lucky little sister! vPINIMAGEV

  • August 2, 2012 - 11:33 am

    Micah Segar - I have tears streaming my face right now after reading that! God truly blessed me with the world’s best friend! I love you so so much! You are the very same to me and my life would NOT be complete without YOU! I’m honored to call you my bestie and am so glad my kids get to have you in there lives too. I’m so very proud of you and your amazing talent. As always, thank you for my beautiful pictures. Much much love to my beautiful friend! You truly are the best! Muah!! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • August 2, 2012 - 11:36 am

    Micah - PS: I called you a “mute”…not a dud! Hahahaa!! 🙂 xoxo!!ReplyCancel

    • August 2, 2012 - 12:14 pm

      Emma - Hahahaaha!! Well, I guess a Mute is better than a Dud. A mute at least has some potential…hahaha!!ReplyCancel

  • August 2, 2012 - 2:12 pm

    Kim - I love blogs…becomes so personal! I loved looking at all the pictures of your beautiful babies Micah!ReplyCancel

  • August 2, 2012 - 2:44 pm

    Emma - I agree Kim!!ReplyCancel

  • August 2, 2012 - 3:50 pm

    Micah - Thanks Kim!! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • August 28, 2012 - 8:57 am

    Terri + Parker | point clear, al wedding photographer » Emily Dean Photography - […] I get to be in a picture!How cute is she?!This is what happens when I leave my camera with Micah (you remember Micah from this post) and her hubs, Jeff while I go to the bathroom to get the red wine I sat in out of my white dress. […]ReplyCancel

  • September 5, 2012 - 4:56 pm

    second family vacation | rosemary beach, fl family photographer » Emily Dean Photography - […] Remember when I said I had multiple BFF’s?   Well, you are about to meet another one! […]ReplyCancel

  • January 21, 2013 - 12:14 pm

    Manic Monday | New Adventure » Emily Dean Photography - […] BFF, Micah, has started a new job, so I am going to begin picking up her 2 precious babes from preschool every […]ReplyCancel

  • March 27, 2013 - 12:11 pm

    Amazing Friends | P31 Newborn Photography Workshop » Emily Dean Photography - […] Remember when I talked about being a wallflower?  Well, I’ve grown out of that a little bit, but I’m still a little shy & awkward in new social situations, so I was certain I would never be able to achieve this goal.  I didn’t even know where to start. […]ReplyCancel

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Hey!  Welcome to my blog…my little slice of internet heaven.  I’m ridiculously happy that you’re here & I hope you’ll stick around a while to check things out and get to know me a little!  You might even want to head over to my website to take a peek at some of my favorite images as well as my all time favorite things.  But first, I’d like to introduce myself.  So, in honor of my very 1st blog post, I would like to tell you about how I became a photographer.  So, grab a cup of coffee or tea or coca-cola or whatever tickles your fancy…sit back and enjoy!

I’ve never thought of myself as an artist, or even remotely artistic for that matter.  When I thought of art, I thought of drawings, paintings, design and music.  The only thing I can draw are stick figures; the only thing I can paint are my fingernails (and not very well); I can design the heck out of…well, nothing; and I sound UH-MAY-ZING when I’m alone in my car singing at the top of my lungs with the radio blasting…seriously, I sound JUST like whoever is on my radio at any given moment.  It’s unbelievable, really…I have a gift.  So, anyway, needless to say, I’ve never considered myself an artist.  Then, one day a facebook friend sent me a message asking if I had gone to art school.  Ummmmmmmm, huh? Me? HA!!! No way! I’m the least artistic person I know!!  She then proceeded to tell me that I was wrong; that she loved the pictures she had seen on facebook and that I had such an “artistic eye.”  I was blown away.  My world was rocked.  Then, I went back to blow-drying my hair and thought to myself “Nah, she doesn’t know me very well.  She doesn’t know just how UN-artistic I really am.  Hmmmmm…”  A seed had been planted.  As time went on, I started thinking more and more about photography.  Everywhere I looked, I saw a beautiful image just waiting to be captured.  I started noticing other people’s photographs as well and realized that some were good, some were great, some were out of this world Amazeballs and some were just plain awful and when compared to some, mine were definitely NOT in the awful category.  So that was it.  I decided, after much deliberation and research, to purchase my 1st DSLR camera.  A Canon Rebel Xsi.  Best.  Decision.  EVER.  I scoured the internet and bookstores for information.  I had this awesome camera and I had no idea how to use it.  I was determined NEVER to put the dial on “Auto.”  I could take decent “auto” pictures on my little point & shoot.  No.  Absolutely not.  That wasn’t what this big, fancy, expensive camera was for.  So, I learned the basics of exposure, shutter speed, aperture (what the heck is aperture?!), & ISO and began shooting everything in sight.  Flowers, fire hydrants, grass, rocks, signs, bushes, the list goes on and on.  You name it, I probably have a picture of it.  It has been almost 4 years since I first purchased my camera and I have learned a lot, but I also know that there is infinitely more for me to learn.  One thing I have learned is that my facebook friend was right.  I am artisitc…in my own way.  You may or may not agree, and that’s ok.  It took me a long time to believe her, but here I am…and I believe her.  I hope you do, too!

I also hope that you will continue to come back and follow me on this crazy ride  as I start a business.  I know there is so much to learn and I’m sure I’ll fall on my face a few times, so you might want to stick around even it’s just to point and laugh!

  • July 28, 2012 - 3:35 pm

    Kim - You are beautiful, artistic, and I love you to pieces! I pray you do well, and have faith you’ll succeed. Why not? You’re Emma Dean!!!ReplyCancel

  • July 29, 2012 - 2:52 am

    Emma - Thank you Kim! I love you more!!!!!!ReplyCancel

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