Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Remember Jordan?  You know, my best friend since toddlerhood?  The girl that made me miss the New Kids on the Block concert?

Yeah, her.

Well, despite that major mishap, I still love her and I love her precious, adorable, I-just-want-to-eat-him-with-a-spoon, I-can’t-get-enough-of-how-cute-he-is little guy, Henry.  (Just wait until you see those baby blues & you’ll understand.)

 Henry is going to be a big brother any second now.  Scratch that.  Henry IS a big brother now!! Elizabeth Elliot was born on Sunday, November 25th and she is A-DOR-ABLE! See her here.

Anyway, we thought it would be a good idea to get one last session of him in before he became an “all grown up, big brother.”  We took him down to one of my favorite spots on the University of Montevallo’s campus and spent the afternoon basically chasing him everywhere.

It’s a good thing I have ninja-like skills with my camera….almost-2-year-olds are FAST!





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After a fun, long break for the holiday, I was all set to get busy today and tackle my massive To-Do list.  I have lots of amazing pictures to edit and blog and I’m so excited to show y’all….BUT I’m having some major distraction issues today.

My bff Jordan had her baby last night!! I, of course, couldn’t STAND to not be there to welcome this sweet princess into the world, so I camped out at the hospital until around 1:30 am just to be sure I was able to document this precious miracle.

SOOOOO….with all of that being said, I’m having a hard time getting much done today because I can’t wait to get back up there to snuggle my sweet Elizabeth Elliot!

Happy Birthday precious girl!

THOSE CHEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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One thing I really love about my job is the opportunities I get to meet new people.  I’m always a little bit nervous before a session when I haven’t met the family before because I just never know if we are going to click.  Maybe we won’t, but so far, I’ve been incredibly blessed by all of my clients.  I’m constantly amazed by how beautiful they all are inside and out.

Kayla, Patrick, Michael & Sophie are no exception.  They recently moved to Birmingham from Tennessee, so I was really excited to meet them and show off some of Birmingham’s beauty.  Unfortunately, it rained all morning and by the time it stopped, the temperature had dropped significantly, so we ended up spending a cold, wet & windy afternoon at Ross Bridge.  Even though the weather was less than ideal, the Bosarge family took it all in stride & we ended up having a blast!

The afternoon was spent playing chase, having tickle fights, throwing leaves & driving wooden trains.

Kayla, Patrick, Michael & Sophie, I loved meeting you!  Thank you for letting me spend the afternoon with you!


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It’s the most wonderful time of the year! (Did you sing that? If not, go back and do it again…)

It’s true.  Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year…and it’s my favorite!  I’m the girl that starts listening to Christmas music the second it begins on the radio (ahem…November 1st) and doesn’t turn it off until it’s over at midnight on Christmas day.  Soooooooooooooo, I couldn’t let my 1st Christmas in business go by without celebrating with something super fabulous for you.

Now, I debated about this for a long time.  I wasn’t sure that I wanted to offer Christmas sessions because…well…EVERYBODY does it.  EVERY.  BODY and I don’t want to be like everybody else.  I want to be me.  I want to offer sessions that stay true to my style & the goal for my business, “Simple, Natural, Fresh,” and I didn’t know how to achieve those 3 ideals by offering sessions with a bunch of props and red & green decor.  (Don’t get me wrong, I love all of those things.  There are some amazingly talented photographers out there that base their businesses off of styled sessions with fabulous props, but I’m not one of them.)

I love simple.  I love natural.  I love fresh.

But, how?  How can I do it?  Should I do it?

No.  Yes.  No.  Yes….ok, Yes.  So, with the help of my lovely friends, I came up with this…

“All that Glitters”

I am so excited to offer these Exclusive Holiday Sessions.  There are only 8 spots available, so grab yours FAST!  Sessions will be scheduled on December 1st & 2nd between 2:30-4:00 pm.  You will receive a 30 minute session with 10 digital images & a print release.

After my test run this weekend, I am even more pumped about this.  I hope you’ll join me to spread a little sparkle & shine this holiday season!


(To schedule your session just go to the contact tab above or email me at Emma@emilydeanphotography.com…I can’t WAIT to hear from you!)

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My new favorite family.  They pretty much sealed the deal when they served me cake & coffee after our session.  CAKE and COFFEE!  They won my heart (& my stomach).

I was smitten the second we met at their family’s homestead in Millerville, AL.  They are quite possibly the sweetest, most photogenic family (and I’m not just saying that because they fed me cake…); plus they took me to the most beautiful & sentimental location ever.

I love a good, sappy story and this place is full of them.  The home has been in their family for generations, so they were really excited to be there to have new memories documented in all of the places they so fondly remembered from their own childhood.

The land was absolutely gorgeous and as April showed me around and pointed out all of the spots that held a special place in her heart, I could just feel…something.  I don’t know what, exactly, but it was something special.  I could see how much love they all had for each other & this place brought that out even more.

It’s my favorite.  To photograph a family in a place that holds so much value in their hearts…well, it makes everyone & everything so much more beautiful in front of the lens.  Just look and see…


  • November 15, 2012 - 9:22 pm

    Emily Nix - Wow! What beautiful pictures of 3 of my favorite people!!!! You can feel the love leaping of the screen. Well done Emma!ReplyCancel

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