We’ve been friends since the 8th grade.
I’ll never forget the moment she walked into the gym with that bleach blonde hair teased up a mile high, wearing scrunched athletic socks with birkenstock sandals. All the girls thought “Hmph. Who’s the NEW girl??”
“I’m Kim…I’m from Muscle Shooooals,” she said in that deep country drawl.
Little did I know that new girl would become a sister to me…my best friend. We were attached at the hip. We would talk for hours on the phone the way only 13 year old girls can do & pass notes in class that said things like “for your eyes only” and “hey! what’s up? not much here” while sitting only a few feet away from each other. I still get tickled every time I think about the 1st time she spent the night at my house and my sister walked into the bathroom to find me dying Kim’s hair for a modeling interview the next day.
We’ve been through everything together. The highest highs, the lowest lows, the worst of the worst and the best of the best. We moved out together at 18 years old and were roommates until she got married 5 years later. I cried like a lunatic on her wedding day because, even though I was incredibly happy for her, I knew things were changing….and oh boy, did they ever change! Not between us, but for her life in every amazing way possible.
We are still the best of friends and I don’t ever imagine that changing. Even though we don’t see each other nearly enough, she is my sister…my family…we will always be a part of each other’s lives, no doubt about it.
Kim amazes me. I am so proud of her and the woman she has become. I stare in disbelief at her strength & courage and am in awe. God has worked in her life in such an incredible way. Kim and her husband, Josh, recently adopted 2 adorable little boys from Sonrise Baby Home in Uganda, adding to their already full house of 3 little girls. Some people might think they’re crazy, but I just think they’re incredible. They’ve opened up their hearts to the love God has for them & they’re sharing that love all over the world.
If you would like to read more about their journey, as well as the amazing mission work they continue to do in Uganda, you should check out their blog here.
Meanwhile, take a look at my incredible friends, Josh & Kim Moody and their amazing, beautiful, hilarious & rambunctious crew.
(Ella & Avery~twins, 8 years old; Addi~5 years old; Steven~3 years old & Mark~2 years old)
Erin Faith Davison Dykes - Great pictures! I’m amazed by the Moody clan as well.
Lynn Watson Shuffler - What great pictures!
Ronni Sue Vines Haney - These are so wonderful! What a beautiful family Xan. Thanks for sharing with all of us. RS
Sarah Rhoads - Love them!
Brenda Boyd Robertson - Awesome pictures Moody family!
Dana Campbell - Great pictures and great family!
Jeanne Baugher Rhoads - Great job Emma, you have been such a great friend to Kim, you two are like sisters. Love you girl.
Katie Biddle Peters - I graduated with Josh.
Dana Campbell - Really? Small world. They go to our church. Awesome family that loves the Lord!
Kimberly Lynn Moody - Erin, you’re sweet! Hope you and your family are doing good! That sweet baby is precious!!