Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Since Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, I thought today would be the perfect day to showcase some gorgeous hints bling!  Ladies, it’s totally ok if you want to share this post to your honey’s facebook page, or send it to him in an email or text message as a not so subtle hint of the Valentine’s Day gift you’d really love to receive.

I can’t wait to hear about all the newly engaged couples that I’m sure will appear after tomorrow!  Check back soon to find out about some lovely specials for the newly engaged!!


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Last night, during a conversation with a friend, I was told that “you just said ‘slim pickin’s, butter beans, mamaw dean, corn on the cob & potato cakes’ all within 60 seconds….that’s country.”

Yep.  That’s right.  I’m southern y’all & I love everything about it.  Growing up in the south is probably one of the greatest gifts God ever game me.  Rich tradition, southern drawls, college football, chivalry, gentlemen, sweet tea, fried okra, hot biscuits & gravy, fried chicken, collard greens, hot pepper vinegar, 75 degree winter days, sugar white sand beaches, magnolia trees & sweet southern hospitality…what more could you ever want?

When I think of the south, I think of comfort, warmth, love & the beautiful outdoors.

I love being outdoors.  I’m not talking about hiking, camping, mountain climbing or any of that craziness, I’m talking about a lush green lawn with the warm sunshine & a tall glass of sweet tea.  I’m talking about a good book with my toes in the sugary white sand while soaking up the salt & the sun.  I’m thinking about a 75 degree day on the front porch swing…..oh my stars, I just can’t get enough!  I adore being outside, which is why I L.O.V.E. a sweet southern wedding so much.

Outdoor weddings are my absolute, hands down, 100% favorite & it thrills me to live in a place where a bride can plan an outdoor ceremony almost year-round without much fear of harsh temperatures.

What is your favorite thing about a southern wedding?


  • July 16, 2014 - 11:56 am

    Caroline - What is the name of the venue that is on the front page? That is a gorgeous view!ReplyCancel

    • July 28, 2014 - 3:18 pm

      Emma - Caroline, that is Monte Sano Lodge in Huntsville, AL. GORGEOUS location 🙂ReplyCancel

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Last week I spent a lot of time thinking about marketing and trying to figure out the most effective & cost efficient ways to get my business out there in front of brides….and really, I’m still somewhat stumped.  Most avenues are just too expensive for me.  I don’t have a few extra thousand dollars lying around to put up a booth in a bridal show or to run an ad with a local planning company, but I’m not quite sure what my other options are.  I’m slowly resigning myself to the fact that I’m probably going to have spend a little bit of money at some point on advertising, but it’s hard to know the best place to do that.

So, my questions are for all of you lovely past, present & future brides.  Where are you looking?  How are you finding your wedding photographer?  How can I make it easier for you to find me?  What are you looking for?

I would LOVE your input.  Your comments are absolute GOLD to me.  Please, please, please offer some insight and even share this post with your friends, so they can weigh in, too! I will love you forever if you do 🙂

Happy Monday, y’all!


  • February 11, 2013 - 11:52 am

    Rebecca - A couple years ago when I got engaged (it ended up not working out), I loved looking at wedding blogs. I would search my favorite blogs by state and look at pictures of Real Weddings in my state. After finding a couple Real Weddings that I liked, I searched for the photographers website, and started following their blogs. I also asked my friends what photographer they used or if they knew any photographers. Now I’m engaged again, and I know exactly which photographer I’ll be using because I’ve been following their blog for years.ReplyCancel

    • February 11, 2013 - 11:56 am

      Emma - Rebecca, thank you so much for your insight! This helps me out so much and gives me a new perspective and path! Thank you and good luck to you in your wedding planning!! So exciting 🙂ReplyCancel

  • February 11, 2013 - 3:48 pm

    Amy Brown Bell - I found my photographer through my wedding planner. I told her how much and what kind of look I was looking for and she set up meetings with 3 photographers. One sent their assistant and didn’t take the time, the other canceled 30 minutes before the meeting and the last one showed up and showed me their books. I didn’t want to take any more time and I got a long with him so I went ahead and booked it. If I had not gone with a wedding planner I would have chosen my photographer from the Southern Bridal Show. I met with a great new photographer that had an awesome booth. I’m not sure how exepensive those shows are, but every booth was packed. Good Luck!ReplyCancel

    • February 11, 2013 - 5:24 pm

      Emma - Thank you Amy! That’s really great to know. The shows are really expensive…but it may be worth it, if it would connect me to fabulous brides like you!ReplyCancel

  • February 11, 2013 - 7:07 pm

    Abby - I googled photographers in the area we got married in first off. Then because my wedding budget was less than most brides spend on their gowns I asked around for cheap but decent :/. So I got a couple good pictures and all was good. So I guess word of mouth after online hunting turned up great but to expensive for me photographers.ReplyCancel

    • February 11, 2013 - 10:51 pm

      Emma - Thanks Abby, I know that word of mouth is ultimately the best and it is definitely my top choice on how I would prefer a bride to find me. So far that’s how I’ve gotten all of the weddings I’ve had so far and I love that! Hopefully, that ball keeps rolling and picks up a little more steam 😉ReplyCancel

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1 year ago today, I lost my job.

It was pretty much the greatest day ever.  (huh?!)

In the months leading up to that day, stress, tension, worry & anxiety were extreme.  In the year leading up to that day, misery was the norm and I dreamt daily of just running away, but the SECOND I walked out of that conference room, I felt like I could finally breathe again, like a weight had been lifted from my chest.  I felt like squealing & celebrating.  I felt free.  Finally.  Free to do what I really wanted to do with no more excuses….free to do what I knew I was really supposed to do, but never before had the courage.

So, today I celebrate & thank God for pushing me out of that miserable place & into the life I should’ve been living all along!


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Yesterday I posted about my friends Kim & Josh and their family, so today I’m showing off Kim’s little sister, Regina & her adorable little family!

I’m so proud of Regina and the things that she’s accomplished over the past couple of years.  She set a goal for herself & had to overcome some pretty serious obstacles in order to achieve that goal, but she did it & I’m so proud of her.  She has a beautiful family and just welcomed her 2nd little miracle into the world!  Miss Layla Reese was born on Monday & I can’t wait to meet her!  Congratulations Regina, Gray & Bryson, I’m so happy for y’all!


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