Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

I’m so excited to be working in Florida this week not only because I got to be here to celebrate my sweet Ellie’s birthday yesterday, but also because I’m collaborating with a wonderful friend, Mandy Hancock & her amazing new bridal boutique, A Bridal Boutique For the Girls, on some awesome bridal events over the next few months.

The boutique is located in the heart of downtown Daytona Beach, Florida at the Riverfront Shops of Daytona Beach. Offering hot off the runway bridal fashion and stunning special occasion gowns, For the Girls will provide a truly amazing experience for you and your bridal party .  I’m thrilled to be working with Mandy and I can’t wait to see her tomorrow for our 1st event together & hopefully meet some beautiful new brides-to-be.

If you happen to be in the area, you should stop by, meet us, drink some bubbly, get some beautiful, sparkly photos taken of your ring & just have some fun!  For details & location information, visit the A Bridal Boutique For the Girls website.


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Today I’m struggling to put into words what I want to say.  I’m in Jacksonville celebrating my precious Ellie’s 4th birthday and at the same time I’m remembering the loss of my incredible cousin, Lindsey.  I don’t think I could say it any better than I did 4 years ago when I posted about this day on my old blog, so I’m just going to copy that post here.  You can also see the original post by visiting my old blog here.

February 20, 2009…What a day! I completely underestimated the feelings I would have the first time I met my precious little niece. I remember the anticipation and sheer excitement I felt each time I met my best friends’ children on the day they were each born, and I expected to feel that again…I did, times 100! She took my breath away! What a tiny miracle Ellie Caroline Pratt is! I love her so much! I can’t wait to watch her grow.

The waiting room was packed with aunts, uncles, grandparents, and friends waiting on the arrival of sweet little 6 lb 15oz baby Ellie. She was a stubborn little thing and did not want to come out, so after 3 hours of pushing she was finally taken by c-section. As we are all waiting, pacing the halls unable to sit still, my mom gets a phone call from her sister. A hysterical phone call. My cousin had passed away. Such devastating news on such a joyous day is difficult to process. You’re unsure if you should continue being happy or if you can allow yourself to breakdown and sob. Just 2 weeks shy of her 30th birthday, Lindsey VinsonCardone, was called home. My heart aches for her, the girl I grew up with as a sister, as my friend. I will miss her terribly. My heart aches for my aunt. I can’t even imagine the feeling of losing a child. She had struggled for years with drugs, alcohol and mental disease. I pray for her soul. I pray everyday that she finally has the peace she longed for. I know she is in heaven now with Mamaw Rie and Papaw Doc cutting up, laughing, and smiling down on the newest addition to our family.

Needless to say, we have all had and emotionally exhausting weekend. Thank you Ellie, for being the beautiful silver lining on a cloudy day. Welcome to the world my sweet angel!

I’m so happy I get to be here to celebrate Ellie’s birthday with her.  She is such a joy and I love her to the moon.  Happy Birthday my sweet girl! I love you!
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Remember when I blogged about my goal setting process for this year & how I was following along with Lara Casey’s series called Making Things Happen?  Well, I’m still working on it.  I’ve been dragging my feet a little…okay, a lot…which defeats the whole purpose of the MTH process.  I’m not too far behind, though.  I finished writing my goals by my self-imposed deadline of January 31, but have since come to a standstill.  I wrote the goals, but have yet to continue on in the process with the best part…actually doing things in order to make those goals happen.

Lara is so awesome that not only does she walk us through the process of setting the goals, but she then pushes us through the steps to achieve those goals.

The 1st step is to “Clear the Clutter.”  We are supposed to clear our homes, offices, minds & lives of the extra physical & mental clutter that keeps us distracted.  Now, I am the QUEEN of distraction & procrastination…I’m pretty sure I have a touch of A.D.D….so, this is a major issue for me.  I constantly allow myself to become distracted by pretty much anything; therefore, procrastinating on all of the things that really need to be done.

I’m supposed to make a list of the Top 10 things that keep me distracted, so that I can work on eliminating those things.  I realize that the majority of you couldn’t care less about my list of distractions, so if you want to check out and move on, I get it, but I want to share them here anyway as a way to hopefully keep myself in check.

10.  Food.  I love food…thank God for a fast metabolism and good genes…sometimes I find myself daydreaming about what I’m going to eat for dinner…at 10:00 am.

9.  Family.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my family and am so thankful for them, but sometimes they can be a distraction…good & bad.

8.  Friends.  My friends are incredible and I want to hang out with them as much as possible, but sometimes I need to choose work over hanging out and I haven’t been very good at that lately.

7.  Cell phone.  No explanation needed!

6.  Depression.  Sometimes I get the blues, which causes me to shut down and tune out and I don’t want to do anything. Generally these blues are caused by #’s 4 & 5 on this list.

5.  Worry.  Worry is a huge distraction because it consumes my mind and I can think of nothing else, so I’m wasting time worrying about nonsense when I should be getting things done.

4.  Fear.  *See Worry.

3.  Television.  Even though I don’t have cable, I do have an antennae & sometimes I get wrapped up in Good Morning America, Live with Kelly & Michael and the Rachel Ray Show.  I have to force myself to turn it off!

2.  Internet.  There’s just so much to SEE on the internet…it’s like quicksand.

1.  Facebook.  The absolutely #1 time waster and distraction for me is facebook.  It’s terrible, but I’ve already made some effort to eliminate this distraction by deleting the Facebook App from my phone and I have to say, I love it.  I love not having it on my phone! You should try it, too.

Ok, there it is.  I’m trying really hard to beat these distractions and eliminate them from my work day…it’s not going to be easy, but I’m going to give it all I’ve got!

What are some of your biggest distractions?  I’d love to hear!


(Clearly, I’m getting things done in this picture with Ellie.  We were super productive on this day.)

Happy Monday, y’all!


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It’s the day after Valentine’s Day & I’m guessing there are a few ladies out there who woke up with a little extra sparkle this morning!

Yesterday was such a great day & I’m feeling very grateful for all of you out there.  I’ve got some serious warm & fuzzies going on today, so I wanted to spread the love & totally bless 1 lucky couple out there with a FREE ENGAGEMENT SESSION!!  Yep, totally free with no strings attached.  I just want to help you start your new life together with some amazing & fun images so that you can remember this exciting time in your lives forever.  Cheesy?  Yes, but who doesn’t love a little extra cheese once in a while 😉

I love a good, romantic story, and I’m so excited to see all of the new love out there.  I would absolutely adore hearing each of your engagement stories…I wanna know every single detail of how he popped the question!

This is how you can enter to win (receive 1 entry by completing the following):

  1. Leave a comment here telling me how he proposed.
  2. Share this post on your Facebook wall.  (It’s easy to do! Just click that little grey circle with the “f” at the bottom of this post, or simply copy and paste the link to your wall.)
  3. Make sure you “LIKE” Emily Dean Photography on Facebook.  (Click Here to go to my Facebook page.)

Receive 2 extra entries:

  1. Follow me on Twitter! Click Here or you can search @emilydeanphoto on twitter.  (Good for 1 extra entry)
  2. Follow me on Instagram!  Search @emilydeanphoto on Instagram to find my profile! (Good for 1 extra entry)

***Be sure to tell me in your comment that you followed me on Twitter & Instagram so I don’t miss your extra entries!

***If you already follow me on Twitter &/or Instagram, just make sure you tell me in your comment and you will receive the extra entries!

You have 1 week to enter and spread the word!  Deadline to enter is Thursday, February 21st. The winner will be chosen by random drawing and announced on Friday, February 22nd.

I can’t wait to hear from all of you!  Good Luck!!


The fine print:  Giveaway is for new clients only, if you already have a contract for your session, you cannot receive a refund.  The giveaway is for 1 Engagement session and includes edited digital files printable up to size 8×10 with printing rights.  No additional prints or products are included.  Location must be in the Birmingham area, or within a reasonable distance of Birmingham; any location out of town may incur travel fees.  Session will expire on May 1, 2013.  

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Valentine’s Day isn’t the most fun “holiday” for me, or for any single lady out there, I’m sure.  It just ends up being a huge, glaring reminder of just how single we are.  However, this year, I am certainly feeling the love from all of my amazing friends and family.  I’m so blessed to have such awesome people in my life, that I really couldn’t ask for more.

So, today, whether you’re snuggling up with the love of your life or cuddling up alone with a box of chocolates and a good chick-flick, I hope you are feeling the love today…and if not, just give me a buzz and we’ll wallow in self-pity hang out and have a blast together!


Oh Ryan……will you be my Valentine?!


Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all!! Be sure to tune in tomorrow for a special deal!!

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