Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

One year ago today, I got to hang out with and photograph this gorgeous family!  I was hiding away in Richmond, VA at my sister’s house after losing my job when Alanna saw on facebook that I was in town.  She contacted me and asked if I could meet up with her for a family session before I left.  I was thrilled because it had been too many years since I had seen her & I had never met her beautiful babes, so we scheduled a time and met up at the University of Richmond.

Alanna and Jonathan are such a sweet & gorgeous couple.  They are super fun parents…and did I mention GORGEOUS?! To quote my sister “Oh my gosh. They’re like a model family!” And they are. Chase and Maddie knew exactly what to do and were ‘hamming it up’ for the camera from the get go. They were so great during the entire session and we had a blast chasing the geese around the lake of the University of Richmond.

I can’t wait for another opportunity to hang out with this awesome family since they have added a beautiful new baby girl to the mix…I’m just dying to get back up to Virginia to meet sweet Emmie!

Thank you so much Alanna & Jonathan, I hope I can see y’all again soon!!



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Yesterday I gave a little peek from my day at A Bridal Boutique For the Girls, so today I want to fill you in on all of the gorgeousness.

Can I just say how much I L.O.V.E. getting to surround myself with beautiful & fabulous people like Mandy & Terry as well as beautiful & fabulous wedding yumminess like the bridal boutique on a regular basis?!  I’m a little bit jealous that they get to play dress up all the time & I don’t.  I mean, look at this…wouldn’t you?


Anyone fabulous enough to rock this gorgeous, black gown on their wedding day, CALL ME!! I’m obsessed.  So HOT!


Big thank you to Kane Miller, Terry’s husband, for the incredible music! We had our own personal concert and it was awesome!


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After a few great days away, I’m working hard to regain my focus & get back on track this week.  {I’m not gonna lie, Monday is throwing me some curve balls.}

I had a fantastic time on Friday in Daytona spending the day with my awesome friend, Mandy, at her gorgeous shop, A Bridal Boutique For the Girls.  We had a blast catching up and getting some fun shots of her beautiful bridal gowns.  I’m so thankful to Mandy for letting me be a part of a great event.  I can’t wait until the next one!

Here’s a little sneak peek of the fabulous gorgeousness she has going on down there. {More to come soon!}

This dress?? I die.

“My culuhs are Blush & Bashful.”  ~Shelby, Steel Magnolias



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I’m so excited to announce the winner of the engagement session giveaway!  I’m so grateful to each of the beautiful ladies for taking the time to share their engagement stories with me; it sounds like all of you won the fiance lottery.  I’m blown away by how creative & romantic they all were!

As a thank you for your support, I’m offering each of you 10% off of any wedding collection.  This offer is good until April 1, 2013, so shoot me an email {emma@emilydeanphotography.com} if you would like details on the collections I offer.  I’d absolutely love to hear from you & learn all about your fabulous wedding plans!

Okay, on to the main event!

{drumroll please…….}

…….the winner is…….

Brooke Roberson!!!

Congratulations Brooke & Michael!  I am so excited to meet you.  I know we are going to have a blast together!  To claim your prize, just send me an email so we can start planning your session.  You have until May 1, 2013 to schedule.  I can’t wait to hear from you!

UPDATE:  Ok, I’m feeling so excited for Brooke and decided that I’d like to bless 1 more couple…SOOOOO I decided to draw 1 more name!! Hey, its my contest, I can change the rules, right??

So, the 2nd Winner is……….

Bri Ward!!!!  Congratulations Bri!  I can’t wait to meet you and your fiance! Send me an email when you’re ready to plan your session!!

Ok, that’s it….for real this time 🙂

Happy Friday,  y’all!



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