Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

My first wedding of the 2013 season is tomorrow with the lovely Elle Danielle Photography!  I am SO PUMPED!!

I hope everybody has a fabulous Friday.  Excuse me while I go stand in front of my closet and decide what to wear.


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Today I am traveling to Nashville to work on a photo project with one of my crazy good friends from high school {more on that later}, so I’m taking a bit of a blogging break.

In honor of my 1st wedding of 2013 coming up this Saturday {with the lovely Elle Danielle Photography}, I’m going to leave you with one of my very favorite wedding images.  This photo was taken in 2011, but it remains an all time favorite.

Lauren and Chad…rawr!!


I hope y’all are having a Happy Hump Day!

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How is it April already??  Time is speeding up & things are about to get crazy busy here.  Before I can blink, it’s going to be Christmas again!  Do you ever wish you could live life in slow motion? Man.

I’ve got such a busy week ahead of me that I totally forgot about April Fool’s Day!  I didn’t plan any tricks this year and I’m feeling regret.  I know there is still time to get someone, but I’m drawing a blank…and really, I just have too many other things to think about.  Oh,well…Ball dropped.  Maybe I can live vicariously through all of you!  Anybody out there have any foolery up their sleeves today?  I’d love to hear it!

Meanwhile, here’s a little sneaky peeky of what I was up to this past weekend.  {More is coming later this week.}


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Burying the Bourbon.

I have to admit, this tradition is not one I had ever heard of before.  It is a uniquely southern tradition & I’m shocked that I’d never heard of it before, especially given my family’s affinity for the sweet, dark liquor.

Southerners believe that if you bury a bottle of bourbon at the site of your wedding exactly 1 month before your big day, you will keep the rain away and have beautiful weather.  If you live here in Alabama, then you know how crucial this is.  Our weather is straight out of crazy-town and you never know what you’re going to get.  So, head to the liquor store and bring out your shovels, ladies, it’s time ta get ta diggin’.


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This time last year, I was just making the decision to start my photography business, so naturally, I googled “How to start a photography business.”  I was provided with a wealth of resources, all with invaluable tips, suggestions & must-do’s.  I poured over hundreds of websites, blogs & articles, soaking it all in & wondering how to make all of this stuff work for me.  During this process, I noticed a common thread.  Almost every single article suggested making friends with other photographers & getting involved in photography communities.  Right then, I threw up my hands, face-planted on the floor & thought “Well, that’s it! I should just give up right now.  I don’t know ANYONE!!!  I’ll never be able to make any friends….waaaaaaaahhhh!”

Remember when I talked about being a wallflower?  Well, I’ve grown out of that a little bit, but I’m still a little shy & awkward in new social situations, so I was certain I would never be able to achieve this goal.  I didn’t even know where to start.

I can’t even remember how I found them, but one day I stumbled across a blog called Pursuit 31.  Pursuit 31 {P31} is “a community of women who love photography, design, our families & Jesus.”  Perfect!  I dug a little deeper & found that this community is nationwide, but offers local small groups.  I was so excited to find out more!  I followed the link to their Facebook page & group and the rest history!

This community has truly been a Godsend.  The women are all so supportive & amazing.  We all provide each other with encouragement, support & friendship.  I have learned so much from them this year & I am so thankful.  I look around and I can’t even believe how far I’ve come in just 1 year.  I’m surrounded by the most amazing group of women, making some amazing friendships & learning so much.  It’s hard to believe that just 1 year ago I didn’t know anyone & I felt completely lost & alone in the world of photography.  God is good y’all.

Last week the Alabama small group got together for a small newborn & family photography workshop.  The Kipp family was brave kind enough to bring their precious new twin girls & adorable son for us to practice our skills with.  It was such a great experience watching & learning from some of the newborn photog rockstars we have in our group.  The totally amaze me!

Here are a few of the images I got from the day.


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