Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

I’m blocked.

I love blogging…it’s one of my most favorite parts of my daily work routine, but lately {especially today} I’ve been experiencing blogger’s block.  I’m drawing a blank on topics to blog about.  While I know that every single one of you are incredibly interested in the random day-to-day happenings of my life, I feel that I also need to write about more relevant topics from time to time…things that you want to know…things that will maybe help you in some way.  Photography tips?  Tips for brides?  Wedding planning tips? What are some topics you’d like to see me cover? Anything.  Help a sister out & leave a comment with your ideas….pretty please? With sugar on top?!


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It’s hard to believe that just 1 year ago I didn’t even know any of these amazing ladies & I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to make any friends within the photography industry. However, 1 google search later, I was connected with the most amazing group of creative, christian women I could have {n}ever imagined.  Pursuit 31 has blessed my life & my budding photography career in so many beautiful ways & I am forever grateful.  I now have a wonderful circle of friends that are incredibly supportive & encouraging & totally FUN!


We try to get together at least once a month to hang out, catch up, encourage & learn from each other.  Sometimes we have a workshop and sometimes we just hang out and eat delicious food, but this month we took it 1 step further and decided to put together a styled shoot.

Now, for those of you who have no clue what a styled shoot is, let me fill you in.  Basically, it’s a photo shoot that has been staged.  A photographer (or in our case, a group of photographers) collaborate with other creative professionals, such as designers, stylists, make up artists, boutique owners, models, etc to set up a gorgeous photo shoot.

There are a few different reasons why someone would want to do this, but in our case it was just for fun.  A chance to do something just for us, to help diversify our portfolios & as a bonus we got to hang out with each other and have a great time!

The theme for our shoot was “Downton Abbey.”  If you’ve never seen this hit drama, apparently you’re missing out…but so was I because I had never seen it either.  Downton Abbey takes place in the 1920’s and depicts the life of a prominent British family along with their servants. (Obviously, there’s more to it than that, but I won’t get into it here…you can google it if you’re interested.)  I was told that it is all VERY dramatic & scandalous, so of course, after our shoot, I immediately went home and started a Netflix marathon.  It was pretty good…I will definitely keep watching…and maybe, after you see this gorgeous session, you’ll want to run out and watch it too 🙂


We were so incredibly lucky to find an amazing creative team to donate to our shoot & I would like to give them all a HUGE thank you on behalf of the Pursuit 31~Alabama group.  We couldn’t have done it without their incredible generosity.  Make sure you go and check them out.

Models: Emily Kerley {bride} ~ Josh Wells {groom} ~ Kaylee Dismuke {bridesmaid/senior girl}

Make-Up Artist: Laura Eason  ~  Hair Stylist: Joanna Ballentine  ~  Women’s Clothing: Helena Mercantile  ~  Bridal Gown: Alfred Angelo  ~  Groom’s Attire: Jos. A. Bank  (Brookwood Mall Location)  ~  Senior and bride Stylist: Crystal Wilkerson and Elle Danielle  ~  Bride & Groom Clothing Stylist: Amy Revis Isbill  ~  Jewelry: Here a Chick, There a Chick  ~  Props: Easy Street Resale  ~  Venue: Historic Hale-Joseph House

Also, because there were so many of us all shooting this session, we decided to all blog our own perspectives at the same time, so that you could see the same story from a different view! Fun,right?!  So head over to Elle Danielle Photography & leave her some love, too!


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Clearly, I’m still being ruled by my sweet tooth this week because I can’t stop thinking about cake….but not just any cake, 1 year old cake.

Why, oh WHY would anyone ever think it would be a good {or tasty} idea to save the top of their wedding cake and eat it a year later?  Of course, I’ve never had the pleasure of eating 1 year old cake from the freezer, but I just can’t imagine that it would taste all that great, so why did this tradition begin?

Well, apparently, back in the day, there were lots of “honeymoon babies” born shortly after the wedding took place, so in an effort to save money and to justify the cost of a 3 tiered wedding cake, the top tier was saved and served at the new baby’s christening.  Thankfully, today we have a little more self control (right?! hahaha!!) and we don’t have to serve our guests stale cake at our babies’ christening receptions….well, maybe not, but regardless, newlyweds save the cake for themselves as a way to remember their wedding day and celebrate their 1st year of marriage…baby-free…sometimes 😉

Now, who wants to bring me some cake??


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Let me preface this post by telling y’all that, normally, I don’t have a sweet tooth.

I’m a big fan of the salty snack.  French fries? Yes, please.  Chips & Dip?? Are you kidding me!? Bring it on.  On a normal day, given the choice between salty & sweet, I’m choosing salty without hesitation.  Normally.

But lately, things aren’t so “normal” and my sweet tooth is banging on the door, demanding I let him in.  Ice cream?  Gimme.  Brownies?? I die.  Last week I almost devoured an entire pan of brownies in 3 days before I came to my senses, slapped myself in the face and was forced to throw them out.

So, naturally, my sweet tooth has taken control of this blog post & decided to feature some of my favorite wedding cakes.  I mean, let’s face it, we all know everybody goes to a wedding for the cake…except me, I’m there for the dip…normally.




I know this isn’t cake…but it’s candy…it’s sweet…what can I say? This guy {the sweet tooth} is uncontrollable.


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My dog is pretty smart…but I’m smarter.  He doesn’t know that I know he’s been sneaking onto the couch in the middle of the night.

Newsflash.  You leave an extremely incriminating trail of BLACK HAIR everywhere you go.  Busted.

Now if I could only catch him in the act…..maybe he is smarter than me.


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