Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Manic Monday…these words have never been truer than they are today.

I woke up groggy, hungover from the busyness & stress of the weekend, with more to do than ever, feeling overwhelmed & not wanting to do any of it.  Can’t I just lay on the couch & watch Netflix marathons all day?  No?  Do I really have to go spend a fortune on new tires? Yes?  FINE!  Ugh.

On days like today, it’s easy for me to shut down & start feeling sorry for myself (for no good reason, mind you)…pity party, anyone?  However, today I’ve decided to take just a few minutes to remember everything I’m thankful for.

  • My family.  I’m thankful that both of my parents are still alive and well; that they love & support me no matter what & take care of me when I need it most.  I’m thankful for siblings that crack me up & lift me up & for the most incredible grandmother, who blows me away with her selflessness everyday.  Most of all, I’m thankful for my entire family & how close we all are.  This seems to be rarer and rarer everyday, so I’m beyond blessed.
  • My job.  I can’t believe I get to do what I love so much.  God has provided for me in ways I never could have imagined & allowed me to continue pursuing my dream full-time (even when I thought there was no way possible it would work).  It blows me away, even when I’m terrified that I’ll fail, He keeps pushing me.

Those are just a few of the things I’m thankful for, but I’ll stop there for now.  Basically, I just wanted to remind myself (& you if you’re throwing your own pity party today) that I’m incredible lucky to even be here & all of that other stuff is just icing.

{I’m also thankful for amazing clients like this!!}


What are you thankful for today??


Happy Monday, y’all!

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I know that I’ve said it a hundred times, but I just LOVE reconnecting with old friends through photography.  I have known Valinda for pretty much my entire life, but of course after high school everyone goes their separate ways & you tend to lose touch.  {Thank goodness for Facebook.  It’s incredible to be able to stay in touch with so many friends that would otherwise be lost!}

I was so happy when Valinda contacted me to schedule her mini session.  I haven’t seen her in way too many years & her family is just gorgeous!  We had a blast running around the beautiful campus of the University of Montevallo and catching up on life.  It was so great to see you again, Valinda! Thank you so much for letting me play with your family 🙂


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Krystal just graduated from Thompson High School and I was so honored to be able to photograph her senior portraits.  She will be attending the University of  Montevallo in the fall (my alma mater…Go Falcons!) so we only found it fitting to start her session there on the gorgeous campus…one of my very favorite locations!

We had a fabulous time and eventually made our way over to a friend of Krystal’s to finish up the session and…AHHH…there were horses and GOATS!!! I was in heaven!

Krystal, you are gorgeous!! Thank you so much for allowing me to capture this time in your life.  Good luck next year!!


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Sophie was SO excited to see me.  She kept saying let’s go see “Emma…” or so we thought, but halfway through our session when she kept saying it over and over, her mommy would point to me and say there’s Emma!  She just looked at me like, “Ummm, no.”  Pretty sure she thought her mommy was taking her to see Elmo.  Oh well, I’d rather see Elmo, too, so I can’t say I blame her!

This little girl is SO full of personality and energy and I love getting to chase her around with my camera photograph her.   She always gives me my workout for the day and I love her for it 😉


Sophie is going to be a big sister soon and I can’t wait to see this new little angel!!  Isn’t that the cutest little baby bump you’ve ever seen?!


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We were best friends forever in the 5th grade, so photographing Charlotte’s little girls was like stepping back in time.  Addison is her mini-me…a miniature identical twin with so much personality that she had no problem letting it shine in front of my camera.  Ava took a little bit longer to warm up, but by the end was laughing and being silly just like her big sister.

I love being able to reconnect with old friends through my work.  It’s so much fun to see where their lives are taking them and to reminisce over all of the crazy things we used to do.  It’s just the icing on top of the already delicious cake that is my job!


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