Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

slow down | montevallo, al children’s photographer

Time flies…so fast.

Seriously, it seems like just yesterday I couldn’t wait to turn 16 so I could get my driver’s license, grab hold of my independence & never look back.  Well, now that I’m twenty-eleven, I’m looking back and wishing that I knew then what I know now and wishing that it would all just SLOW DOWN!  (The fact that I actually just wrote that makes it official. I’m ancient.)  

Anyway, no one knows this feeling better than a parent.  “They grow so fast,” is something that I hear people say all of the time and it’s true, they do.  We do.  One minute you’re snuggling with your squishy, cuddly newborn & the next minute they’re pushing you away with an eye roll.

That’s why I love what I do.  That’s why it is so important to document your life and the lives of everyone you love.  It passes by so quickly & all that’s left are the memories…the pictures.   (Okay, wow! Sorry, I didn’t mean to get all Susie Sentimental on y’all!)

The point is, I love when my clients ‘get it’ and schedule a session ‘just because.’

Valerie, Jeb & Lilah were going to be out of town when Lilah’s school took their school portraits and Valerie didn’t want to miss out on an opportunity to save a few memories from this stage in Lilah’s life.  Sure, we had just had a session 5 months ago, just before her 1st birthday, but as many of you know, the entire world can change in that amount of time & ‘children grow SO FAST!’  So, I was incredibly excited to see all of them again, but especially Miss Lilah.  She’s a beauty for sure & it was fun to see just how much she has grown & changed in 5 short months.

Thank you Valerie & Jeb for letting me continue to be there for your family.  It’s a true honor & the greatest compliment in the world!


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