Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Decisions | birmingham, al wedding and portrait photographer

When I decided to get serious about creating my website, there was one decision I needed to make right off the bat.

“To blog or not to blog.”

My favorite thing to do when visiting a photographer’s website is to read their blog, if they have one.  It makes me feel like we’re friends!

So, I knew that I wanted a blog, but didn’t know if I have what it takes to start a blog and keep it going.  I used to have a blog here…before I ever even decided to become a photographer and I loved it.  For a while.  I started out strong, blogging regularly about completely random things, but it quickly died down until I eventually just stopped completely.  Life happened and I couldn’t see the point anymore…I mean, who cared? (insert chorus of faithful followers shouting “Me!”  “I cared!!”  “Ooooh, over here, ME!”)

So, there I was, ready to create a website…to put myself and my work out there for the world to see and I needed to make a decision. Blog or website?  Blog or website??  BLOG OR WEBSITE????!   Those of you who know me, know that it is almost impossible for me to make a decision about anything and this was no exception.

(this is me trying to make a decision)


So, I decided not to decide.  Duh.  I could do both!

Now here’s the thing, there’s nothing more depressing than an abandoned blog (except an unmade bed, according to my grandmother), so if I am going to do this blog thing, then I need to be consistent in my blogging.  My initial goal is to blog twice a week, but so far I’ve failed at this, so I need to step it up.  Starting right now.

To answer the question, “To blog or not to blog?”…well, I guess there’s no right or wrong answer. Some people like it, some people don’t.  Everyone has an opinion.  Some say you shouldn’t mix your personal life into your business, but I say my business IS my personal life and I want you to know as much about me as you care to know!  I like it, so I’m doing it.  So, BOOYEAH!

I have no idea what this will eventually become, but for now, it’s a document and a story.  A document of my work and a story of my business building adventures and my life…with some randomness thrown in for good measure.

(and this? this is my niece, Ellie and me being awesome.)


  • August 7, 2012 - 11:35 pm

    Aunt Bannie - I love your blog, Emma! It’s like reading a public journal of someone I dearly love!!ReplyCancel

  • August 17, 2012 - 4:47 pm

    Mitzi Bentley - I LOVE your blog. I LOVE your pics. You are a wonderful photographer. You seem to be doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing. Keep it coming.ReplyCancel

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