Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Engagement Session Giveaway | Winner!

I’m so excited to announce the winner of the engagement session giveaway!  I’m so grateful to each of the beautiful ladies for taking the time to share their engagement stories with me; it sounds like all of you won the fiance lottery.  I’m blown away by how creative & romantic they all were!

As a thank you for your support, I’m offering each of you 10% off of any wedding collection.  This offer is good until January 1, 2014, so shoot me an email {emma@emilydeanphotography.com} if you would like details on the collections I offer.  I’d absolutely love to hear from you & learn all about your fabulous wedding plans!

Okay, on to the main event!

{drumroll please…….}

…….the winner is…….

Ashlee McMillian!!!

Congratulations Ashlee & Ben!  I am so excited to meet you.  I know we are going to have a blast together!  To claim your prize, just send me an email so we can start planning your session.  I can’t wait to hear from you!vPINIMAGEV

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