Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Manic Monday | Back on the Wagon

I’ve let myself fall way WAAAAYYY behind on blogging, and I’m ashamed.  The past 2 1/2 weeks have been spent freaking out over some serious scariness {aka, audit…yikes!! Thankfully, I’ve been doing everything correctly and paying my taxes like a good girl, so it all turned out ok in the end…WHEW! Talk about stressful!}.  I let it take away my focus & really get me down, so I’m trying really hard to refocus and do better, but it’s been a struggle.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to one day blog 5 days a week with ease…that’s my goal, but for now I just ask for your patience & continued support as I find my groove….again.

I’ve got some great sessions and a few gorgeous weddings ready to post, so I hope you will come and check back every day this week to see the goodness.

Happy Monday, y’all!


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