Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Wedding Wednesday | Back to the future

The other day, I came across a Martha Stewart Weddings book from 1987.  I have no idea where it came from or how it ended up at my house {I’m just going to assume that it came from my mama & was left here when my sister was planning her wedding a few years ago}.

I never really paid much attention to it before, but this morning it caught my eye, so I started thumbing through the pages and began to realize that I really love this book for a few reasons.

1.  It’s a gorgeous book covered in Tiffany blue linen with a simple, elegant white font on the spine & it goes beautifully with my new living room color & decor!

2.  It’s written by Martha Stewart, so of course it has great tips that are still relevant for today’s bride.

3.  Not much has changed in the basics of wedding planning over the past 30 years.

Sure, fashion is different, thank goodness, {although, if you look around, you’ll see the 80’s coming back in full force…cringe!!} technology is like something straight out of The Jetson’s & things are waaay more expensive, but when you get down to the basic wedding planning checklist, things are pretty much the same.

  • Date
  • Budget
  • Ceremony site
  • Reception site
  • Guest list
  • Officiant
  • Wedding Party
  • Caterer
  • Music
  • Wedding Cake……etc, etc, etc!

The list is pretty long, but you get the idea.  The dresses may be different, but the structure is still the same!


It’s nice to know that some things never change….and even nicer to know that some things do…yikes!


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