One of the greatest benefits of being a professional photographer is the ability to produce the perfect birthday, mother’s day, father’s day or even Christmas gift at the drop of a hat. Everyone loves a beautiful portrait, especially parents. On the flip side, one of the greatest frustrations for me as a photographer is walking into my mother’s house and seeing that the beautiful 5 x 7 professional print I framed for her Christmas gift has been taken to the UPS store and blown up to enormous size by the COLOR COPIER. I die. Literally, I die a little inside everytime she does this…and she does it quite often, so pretty soon I’m going to waste away to nothing but an empty shell.
I finally got smart and took matters into my own hands. My brother, sister and I had planned on making the trip to Florida this year to spend the weekend with Mom to celebrate her 6oth birthday, so we were able to meet up a few days before our scheduled trip to take a quick photo and have a large, 16 x 20 canvas ordered and delivered just in time for her birthday! GENIUS.
The shipping took a bit longer than expected, so we weren’t there to see her open her gift, but she called me last night when it arrived and she absolutely LOVED it. I’m so happy that I work in an industry that can provide such joy, especially for my mama 🙂
We had a wonderful weekend together, even though the beach was cold and rainy. Spending time with my family is the best and always an adventure. Happy Birthday, mama!! We love you!!
Angie Barrow Hyde - NO WAY did your Mama turn 60! Beautiful picture!
Micah McCorkle Segar - Such a beautiful family! Awesome picture!
Sam Nathews - Don’t forget to tag my powerful mexi-stache and pasty white skin in this picture!
Xan Odom Moody - What a beautiful picture! You guys always have so much fun together and are always smiling! No wonder your mom has the pictures blown up!
Emma Nathews - @[1007280008:2048:Sam], mom definitely made mention of your “DS” stache 😉
Emma Nathews - Crazy, huh?! Thanks @[1152978244:2048:Angie] 🙂