Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Thursday Traditions | Save the Cake

Clearly, I’m still being ruled by my sweet tooth this week because I can’t stop thinking about cake….but not just any cake, 1 year old cake.

Why, oh WHY would anyone ever think it would be a good {or tasty} idea to save the top of their wedding cake and eat it a year later?  Of course, I’ve never had the pleasure of eating 1 year old cake from the freezer, but I just can’t imagine that it would taste all that great, so why did this tradition begin?

Well, apparently, back in the day, there were lots of “honeymoon babies” born shortly after the wedding took place, so in an effort to save money and to justify the cost of a 3 tiered wedding cake, the top tier was saved and served at the new baby’s christening.  Thankfully, today we have a little more self control (right?! hahaha!!) and we don’t have to serve our guests stale cake at our babies’ christening receptions….well, maybe not, but regardless, newlyweds save the cake for themselves as a way to remember their wedding day and celebrate their 1st year of marriage…baby-free…sometimes 😉

Now, who wants to bring me some cake??


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