Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Amazing Friends | P31 Newborn Photography Workshop

This time last year, I was just making the decision to start my photography business, so naturally, I googled “How to start a photography business.”  I was provided with a wealth of resources, all with invaluable tips, suggestions & must-do’s.  I poured over hundreds of websites, blogs & articles, soaking it all in & wondering how to make all of this stuff work for me.  During this process, I noticed a common thread.  Almost every single article suggested making friends with other photographers & getting involved in photography communities.  Right then, I threw up my hands, face-planted on the floor & thought “Well, that’s it! I should just give up right now.  I don’t know ANYONE!!!  I’ll never be able to make any friends….waaaaaaaahhhh!”

Remember when I talked about being a wallflower?  Well, I’ve grown out of that a little bit, but I’m still a little shy & awkward in new social situations, so I was certain I would never be able to achieve this goal.  I didn’t even know where to start.

I can’t even remember how I found them, but one day I stumbled across a blog called Pursuit 31.  Pursuit 31 {P31} is “a community of women who love photography, design, our families & Jesus.”  Perfect!  I dug a little deeper & found that this community is nationwide, but offers local small groups.  I was so excited to find out more!  I followed the link to their Facebook page & group and the rest history!

This community has truly been a Godsend.  The women are all so supportive & amazing.  We all provide each other with encouragement, support & friendship.  I have learned so much from them this year & I am so thankful.  I look around and I can’t even believe how far I’ve come in just 1 year.  I’m surrounded by the most amazing group of women, making some amazing friendships & learning so much.  It’s hard to believe that just 1 year ago I didn’t know anyone & I felt completely lost & alone in the world of photography.  God is good y’all.

Last week the Alabama small group got together for a small newborn & family photography workshop.  The Kipp family was brave kind enough to bring their precious new twin girls & adorable son for us to practice our skills with.  It was such a great experience watching & learning from some of the newborn photog rockstars we have in our group.  The totally amaze me!

Here are a few of the images I got from the day.


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