Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Manic Monday | Spring Forward

Daylight Savings is such a bittersweet time for me.  On the 1 hand, the sun stays out a whole hour longer and in photographer land, this is GOLDEN!  An extra hour of shooting time? Yes, please!  However, on the other hand, I lose an ENTIRE HOUR OF SLEEP.  No bueno, people.  NO.  BUENO.  If you’ve ever browsed around my website, you know that I am not a fan of early mornings, so daylight savings time hurts…it hurts, bad.

Spring forward?  Spring forward, flat on my face!

For about a week, I can’t stop thinking “it’s 8:00…but REALLY it’s only 7:00” {stretch, yawn, roll over & close eyes for a few more minutes}.  Don’t lie, you know you do it, too.

Regardless of my morning grumpiness, I ultimately love this time of year.  I adore the extra hour of sunlight each evening.  I’m much happier and more productive during the Spring & Summer, so it’s good…really good.


Happy Monday, y’all!

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