Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Back on the grid

When you’re a photographer who works from home and you spill water on your computer, your world kind of stops.  That’s what happened to me about 2.5 weeks ago and I’ve been paralyzed until now.  Thankfully I am a crazy person when it comes to backing up my files, so I didn’t lose anything (except the computer!) and I had business insurance that covered most of the cost of the replacement…YES, I had to get a whole new computer….who knew that a little bit of water could be so devastating?!!! But the good news? I’m finally back up and running after a week and a half of trying to re-download all of my software programs, running into a few snafu’s, erasing the entire system and starting over again…AND my new computer is LIGHTENING FAST compared to my old one! This is going to make my life and my workflow a million times better and I’m so excited!!! Thankfully this disaster happened during the slowest time of year for me, but now I’m ready to start shooting again so I can see how awesome my editing speed will be!!  Bring it on 2014…I’m ready!!


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