Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Fun Friday Facts | Most Important thing for a Wedding Photographer to know

This wedding season has been amazing.  I have learned so much about the in’s and out’s of a wedding day, that I never knew before, but there is one skill in particular that I feel is the absolute most important thing a wedding photographer should know.  It never fails that at some point on a wedding day,  I will be asked to perform this task and the first few times I was asked, I just stood there panicked because I had NO CLUE how to do it.  Thankfully, now I know, and I can do it with ease.  What is this most important skill, you ask?

Pinning a boutonniere.  Yep.  I can pin a boutonniere like a freaking ROCK STAR now.  (And yes, I had to google how to spell boutonniere…don’t judge…one skill at a time, people.)


Happy Friday, y’all!

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