Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Goodbye Summer | 30A Beach Family Photographer

This morning as I was filling out my schedule & To-Do list for the week, I looked at my calendar and realized that Sunday is the official 1st day of Fall.  I love Fall & am so excited about all of the fabulous things I have lined up in the upcoming season, but I’m still a little bit sad to see Summer go.  I’ve already lost all traces of my tan & I’m itching for one last beach trip before it’s too cold.  Because I’m feeling a bit nostalgic, I started looking back at all of the incredible families I photographed this summer & realized that I haven’t shared a lot of them with you!

Most of you know that the beach is my home away from home & I was thrilled to have several sessions down there this year, so here is a look at a few of my favorite beach familes.


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