Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Fall Fatigue | Birmingham, AL Wedding Photographer

Lately I’ve been suffering from what I’ve decided to call “fall fatigue” (really, it’s more like “end of summer leading into fall fatigue”, but that’s just way too much to say, so I’ll stick with fall fatigue…rolls off the tongue a little nicer).  So, today, as I’m staring at my computer with so much to do and no clear direction on where to begin or even what to say, I look over and see this…vPINIMAGEV

…and I think it would be so nice to be him for  a day.  Just lay around, sleep, have your belly rubbed and your ears scratched, be fed, watered & walked, lay around some more & not have to think about anything worrisome at all.  Wouldn’t that be nice? But then again, if I was a dog I wouldn’t get to be a wedding photographer and take gorgeous photos like this.  So nevermind, I don’t want to be a dog….but I would like a vacation, soon.   😉vPINIMAGEV

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