Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Fall In Love | Couples’ Mini Sessions

I love Fall.  I’m not going to say that it’s my favorite time of year (even thought right now I totally think that it is) because I tend to say that about each new season when it rolls around.  However, I do adore this time of year.  Something about the cooler temps & gorgeous colorful leaves makes me think of falling in love; cozying up with your honey & spending quality time together just having fun.  Whether you’re engaged, married or just plain ‘ol in love it’s always nice to take sometime out of the hecticness  (I think I just made that word up) to reconnect.

Since family mini sessions are popping up everywhere you look this time of year, I decided to do something special just for the lovebirds.  During the months of October & November I will be offering Couples Only Mini Sessions!  So, while everyone is planning, scheduling & picking out their perfectly coordinated family ensembles, you could be snuggled up with your love for some fun, quality time together.

Dates will go fast, so email me today to schedule your session! emma@emilydeanphotography.com


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