Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

The Importance of Printing your Photos

All morning I have been searching for inspiration for a blog post.  I picked up a book that I purchased a few years ago & started flipping through the pages, hoping an idea would hit me…and WHOA, did it ever.  But not exactly the sort of idea I originally wanted.

The book I’m referring to is Pottery Barn’s “Photos: Style Recipes.”  It is all about unique and interesting ways to display your treasured photographs in your home.  As I was reading though, I was struck by something that really makes me feel ashamed & sad.  One of the articles talks about how to preserve & archive your prints in a way that also encourages browsing {by you and your guests}…because isn’t that the WHOLE POINT of a photograph??  To have it accessible for viewing…to remember the time & place it was taken?  DUH!  As a photographer, I should know this better than anyone, but I couldn’t tell you the last time I had my own photos {family snapshots} printed.

OH the SHAME!!

What good are all of those precious memories doing me just hanging out on my hard drive?  Absolutely nothing.  One day, I’m going to forget that they even exist & in a few years, that hard drive probably won’t even work anymore!  I can’t stand the thought!

So, my mission over the next several months is to start printing those photos little by little (because let’s face it, prints are EXPENSIVE…even the “cheap” ones can add up!)  One of my favorite things to do when I visit my grandmother’s home is to flip through old photo albums.  It’s one of the reasons I love photography so much & I’ve let that slip away from me.  But no more!! Let the printing begin!!!

{Because, come on! Photos like this of my brother and me are just BEGGING to be printed and displayed!}


What are some of your favorite ways to store and/or display your family snapshots?  I need some good ideas 🙂

Happy Hump Day, y’all!

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