Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Sophie | University of Montevallo Children’s Photographer

Sophie was SO excited to see me.  She kept saying let’s go see “Emma…” or so we thought, but halfway through our session when she kept saying it over and over, her mommy would point to me and say there’s Emma!  She just looked at me like, “Ummm, no.”  Pretty sure she thought her mommy was taking her to see Elmo.  Oh well, I’d rather see Elmo, too, so I can’t say I blame her!

This little girl is SO full of personality and energy and I love getting to chase her around with my camera photograph her.   She always gives me my workout for the day and I love her for it 😉


Sophie is going to be a big sister soon and I can’t wait to see this new little angel!!  Isn’t that the cutest little baby bump you’ve ever seen?!


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