Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Manic Monday | Spring is here!

Spring is in the air and pollen is all over EVERYTHING.  I left my screened windows open all day yesterday to enjoy the fresh air and this morning I’m seeing pollen dusting all over my furniture!  Slightly annoying, but I’m so glad to finally see the dogwoods and azaleas blooming and the wisteria climbing out of control that I don’t even mind the itchy nose and extra cleaning.  It’s the most beautiful time of year, so who could complain?

Today, as I continue to recover from the 1st wedding of 2013 {and the longest wedding of my LIFE at a whopping 15 hours long}, I can barely contain my excitement at the busy season ahead.  I’m ready to shoot, shoot and shoot some more!  I’ve finally decided to offer my 1st set of Spring Mini sessions!! I’m working out the details today and will be announcing the dates later this week.  If you’d like to be the 1st to know details and have 1st dibs on the very limited time slots, comment below with your email address.  I’ll send out an email 1 day before I open the dates up and announce them on Facebook.  Dates will be extremely limited, so they will go FAST!

Happy Monday, y’all!



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