Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

Manic Monday | April Fools?

How is it April already??  Time is speeding up & things are about to get crazy busy here.  Before I can blink, it’s going to be Christmas again!  Do you ever wish you could live life in slow motion? Man.

I’ve got such a busy week ahead of me that I totally forgot about April Fool’s Day!  I didn’t plan any tricks this year and I’m feeling regret.  I know there is still time to get someone, but I’m drawing a blank…and really, I just have too many other things to think about.  Oh,well…Ball dropped.  Maybe I can live vicariously through all of you!  Anybody out there have any foolery up their sleeves today?  I’d love to hear it!

Meanwhile, here’s a little sneaky peeky of what I was up to this past weekend.  {More is coming later this week.}


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