Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

My Favorite Books | Confessions of a Book Hoarder

I’m a book hoarder.


I love to read, but I can’t bring myself to join the e-book revolution.  It’s just not the same as holding an actual book in your hands and turning the pages…seeing your progress in pages turned as you read, so I prefer books…my own books.  I like to own them.  I can’t even bring myself to check them out from the library.  I like to see all of the books I’ve read.  I want to have access to them…I mean, what if I want to read them again?!  So I buy & I hoard.


My favorite types of books to read are chick lit.  I love funny books, romantic books & mysteries.  Once, I decided that I needed to be more intellectual & cultured in my book reading, so I bought a few Jane Austen classics…starting with, of course, Emma.  That was about a year ago.  I still haven’t finished.

I’ve also tried, on several occasions, to read a variety of non-fiction books, but I’m always bored to tears & they can never keep my attention, so I stick to fiction.  Easy, quick, girly, beach-book fiction.

My absolute favorite books are Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series.  You may have seen them in stores.  They are the “number books.”  ‘One for the Money,’ ‘Two for the Dough,’ ‘Three to get Deadly,’ and so on.  She is up to #19 now and I’m anxiously awaiting the release of #20!  I’ve read the entire series 3 times.  They are the only books I’ve ever read more than once…they are THAT good.  Comedy, romance & mystery all rolled into one hilarious story.  Winner!  If you like to read, you should definitely check them out…you won’t be disappointed!


What are your favorite books?  I’d love some new recommendations!!

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