Loneliness is a thief and a liar. It will steal your joy & tell you that no one cares…but that’s not true. Somebody always cares & there is always a way out of the dark. Sometimes you just need some company, a good long laugh & a new project.
When my mom called me last week, I knew she was feeling lonely…& if I’m being totally honest, so was I. So, I packed a bag & headed down to beautiful 30A, Florida for a little rescue mission & some good QT with my mama.
On Saturday, I was fall-out-in-the-floor-shocked slightly surprised when she announced that she wanted to go get an iPhone. For all of you that know her, I know exactly what you’re thinking…”WHAT THE WHAT?!” For years & years she has suffered from technophobia (I totally thought I just made that word up, but I googled it and it’s real!) I was extremely proud of her for wanting to conquer that fear, so I looked it up online and found out that she could get a brand new iPhone for only 99 cents!
After only a brief hesitation in the store, she bit the bullet and went for it. I spent the rest of the day teaching her how to make calls & send text messages and I’m proud to say that she graduated in no time & is now surfing the net & watching “the YouTubes” (as she calls it) like a pro. I’m so PROUD OF HER!! Yay mama!!!!!
After a weekend of beach walks, Seaside window shopping, disney princess movies, an iPhone intensive & belly laughs with an old friend, I think we are both feeling refreshed and ready for a new day.
LukeHeather McHugh - I love you and your mama!
Emma Nathews - And we love YOU!