Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

A Bridal Boutique For the Girls | Daytona Beach, Florida Bridal Boutique

Yesterday I gave a little peek from my day at A Bridal Boutique For the Girls, so today I want to fill you in on all of the gorgeousness.

Can I just say how much I L.O.V.E. getting to surround myself with beautiful & fabulous people like Mandy & Terry as well as beautiful & fabulous wedding yumminess like the bridal boutique on a regular basis?!  I’m a little bit jealous that they get to play dress up all the time & I don’t.  I mean, look at this…wouldn’t you?


Anyone fabulous enough to rock this gorgeous, black gown on their wedding day, CALL ME!! I’m obsessed.  So HOT!


Big thank you to Kane Miller, Terry’s husband, for the incredible music! We had our own personal concert and it was awesome!


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