My new favorite family. They pretty much sealed the deal when they served me cake & coffee after our session. CAKE and COFFEE! They won my heart (& my stomach).
I was smitten the second we met at their family’s homestead in Millerville, AL. They are quite possibly the sweetest, most photogenic family (and I’m not just saying that because they fed me cake…); plus they took me to the most beautiful & sentimental location ever.
I love a good, sappy story and this place is full of them. The home has been in their family for generations, so they were really excited to be there to have new memories documented in all of the places they so fondly remembered from their own childhood.
The land was absolutely gorgeous and as April showed me around and pointed out all of the spots that held a special place in her heart, I could just feel…something. I don’t know what, exactly, but it was something special. I could see how much love they all had for each other & this place brought that out even more.
It’s my favorite. To photograph a family in a place that holds so much value in their hearts…well, it makes everyone & everything so much more beautiful in front of the lens. Just look and see…
April Harris Thrasher - I, for once in my life, am speechless and full of SO many emotions at one time! I miss my grandparents and love and appreciate so much the life they gave me through their legacy and for providing me with the BEST daddy in the world!! Now I am getting to watch my dad pass on the same lessons and love to my baby! This session with you has forever changed me and nothing will ever top it! I meant it when I said you have a special place in my heart!!! Xo!
Glenda Haynie Dover Knight - Beautiful Emma
Vicki Baugher Pounders - These pictures are some of your best Emma. They tell a story of family. <3
Jeanne Baugher Rhoads - So precious the memories you have helped preserve for this family and WOW what a wonderful job you did Emma. As always a great job, but this one is just a little extra special. Love it!
Angie Barrow Hyde - I have tears in my eyes… so much love. You have SUCH TALENT Emma!
Emily Nix - Wow! What beautiful pictures of 3 of my favorite people!!!! You can feel the love leaping of the screen. Well done Emma!
Amy Darwin Cooper - Beautiful beautiful photos!!!! So special 🙂
Martha Gayle Ray Dunning - They were beautiful.
Jennifer Johnson Guthrie - WOW!! These are amazing!! I have no idea how to decide which to hang on MY wall! You will have to put them all up!! Brought tears to my eyes…seeing all the love that is there that has survived so many trials to be as strong as it is today!!
April Harris Thrasher - I know Jen! Melts my heart! I’m an emotional mess right now 🙂 My daddy’s granddaddy taught him life lessons here. My granddaddy taught me life lessons here. My baby’s granddaddy is now teaching him life lessons here. I am SO blessed!!!! Love you! So much!
Emma Nathews - Thank you @[1101675809:2048:Glenda] 🙂
Emma Nathews - ♥
Emma Nathews - <3
Emma Nathews - Thank you 🙂
Emma Nathews - Thank you @[1218808354:2048:Jeanne] <3
Ann Booth - So beautiful!! Blessed Family!!
Emma Nathews - Aw, thank you @[1152978244:2048:Angie] 🙂