Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

manic monday | on the road

Today is truly a Manic Monday.

With a last minute trip planned to go visit my sister in Jacksonville, FL, I’m literally racing the clock to make sure I get everything cleaned, folded, edited, packaged & out the door before I leave 1st thing in the morning…well, 2nd thing…1st thing is voting!

Don’t forget to vote tomorrow! (That’s about the only political thing you will ever in your life hear me say…ever.)

Anyway, I’m excited for this unexpected trip to Florida.  It’s been my experience that anytime I move my workspace to a new state, I end up getting a ton of stuff done.  I don’t know if it’s just the change of scenery that gets my creative juices flowing, the fact that I get to watch unlimited amounts of reality tv (since I don’t have cable at home) or, most likely, a combination of the two, but either way, it’s good.  Really good & I’m excited.

So, stay tuned this week for some pretty people coming to dress up the blog!

Happy Monday!vPINIMAGEV

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