Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

manic monday

Monday always mystifies me.

I am super task-oriented, so unless I have concrete tasks to complete (i.e. session editing, etc.) I’m never quite sure where to start or what to do.  I know that there are 10 million things I need to be doing in order to help my business get off the ground, get my name out there and fill up my calendar, but that’s where I become mystified.  I don’t know how to start.  I’m not quite sure where to land.


For me, Monday tends to set the tone for the entire week.  If I start out really strong, plowing through my To Do list, I can pretty much guarantee a productive week.  However, the opposite of that is also true.  If I wake up on Monday and sit in front of my computer with a blank stare, I know I’m in for a week of frustration and procrastination.

Take last week, for example.  Last week beat me.  It beat me like the Crimson Tide.

Procrastination and ADD took over my brain, held me hostage and killed my productivity.  The sad part is, I knew what was happening.  I knew what I was doing, but I couldn’t make it stop!  So, in an effort to de-mystify Mondays and help me start my week off on the right foot, I’ve decided to start a blog series.

Manic Monday.

I’m going to use this as a tool to help organize my thoughts, hold myself accountable and hopefully set the tone for the week.  Each week will obviously be different and may include topics such as:

  • Weekly goals
  • Random aspirations
  • Current frustrations
  • Current celebrations & excitement

I hope you’ll follow along.  I welcome your comments; in fact, I ADORE them, so any tips or advice you might have would be incredible…bring it on!

I would love to hear how you get motivated on a Monday & how you use that motivation to fuel your week.

Happy Monday!




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