Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

schroeter family | birmingham botanical gardens family photographer

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.

A while back, I’d donated a family session to Childcare Resource’s annual fundraiser, the Fairytale Ball & silent auction, so I had no idea and no control over who I would end up working with.

That’s scary.

There were a million and one horrifying scenarios playing out in my head.  Maybe they would hate me!  Maybe they wouldn’t like my style.  Maybe they would make me stand on my head and do jumping jacks to make their donation worth while!  OMG.  Who knew?!

I arrived at our location just in time for the dark, threatening clouds to unleash an ocean of water.  Great.  I huddled under the covered patio and sent a text message telling Sarah that I was willing to wait it out if she was.

“Absolutely!” she’d replied.

They hung out in their car and I under the cover while we waited…and waited…and waited!!

Finally, almost an hour later, the rain stopped, the clouds rolled out and in walked the most adorable family I think I’ve ever seen.  All wearing sweet, sweet smiles despite the major hiccup in our plan.

Immediately, I knew it was going to be an amazing session.  And it was.  Don’t you agree?


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