Emily Dean Photography » Lifestyle & Family Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

back to school | jacksonville, fl lifestyle photographer

Reason # 732 why I love my job: When I’m not shooting, I can work from anywhere, which means I can drive to Jacksonville, FL on a whim to see my niece, Ellie, off to her first day of school.

Of course that’s not the only reason I made the 8 hour trek to the sunshine state, but it was a bonus that I got to be here to document the fun.  Plus, I get to watch cable while I work.  Score.vPINIMAGEVEvery morning I’m woken up by this little munchkin coming into my room.  She immediately unplugs my iPhone, climbs into bed with me, snuggles up and watches YouTube. vPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVNew shoes…Thanks GG!vPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEV

She’s growing up way too fast!  Two more years and it’s kindergarten……tear.

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