When I decided to get serious about creating my website, there was one decision I needed to make right off the bat.
“To blog or not to blog.”
My favorite thing to do when visiting a photographer’s website is to read their blog, if they have one. It makes me feel like we’re friends!
So, I knew that I wanted a blog, but didn’t know if I have what it takes to start a blog and keep it going. I used to have a blog here…before I ever even decided to become a photographer and I loved it. For a while. I started out strong, blogging regularly about completely random things, but it quickly died down until I eventually just stopped completely. Life happened and I couldn’t see the point anymore…I mean, who cared? (insert chorus of faithful followers shouting “Me!” “I cared!!” “Ooooh, over here, ME!”)
So, there I was, ready to create a website…to put myself and my work out there for the world to see and I needed to make a decision. Blog or website? Blog or website?? BLOG OR WEBSITE????! Those of you who know me, know that it is almost impossible for me to make a decision about anything and this was no exception.
(this is me trying to make a decision)
So, I decided not to decide. Duh. I could do both!
Now here’s the thing, there’s nothing more depressing than an abandoned blog (except an unmade bed, according to my grandmother), so if I am going to do this blog thing, then I need to be consistent in my blogging. My initial goal is to blog twice a week, but so far I’ve failed at this, so I need to step it up. Starting right now.
To answer the question, “To blog or not to blog?”…well, I guess there’s no right or wrong answer. Some people like it, some people don’t. Everyone has an opinion. Some say you shouldn’t mix your personal life into your business, but I say my business IS my personal life and I want you to know as much about me as you care to know! I like it, so I’m doing it. So, BOOYEAH!
I have no idea what this will eventually become, but for now, it’s a document and a story. A document of my work and a story of my business building adventures and my life…with some randomness thrown in for good measure.
(and this? this is my niece, Ellie and me being awesome.)
Glenda Haynie Dover Knight - Love it
Aunt Bannie - I love your blog, Emma! It’s like reading a public journal of someone I dearly love!!
Haley Graydon - Yay… love it. I also have a niece named Ellie, but it’s Ellie Kate.
Mitzi Bentley - I LOVE your blog. I LOVE your pics. You are a wonderful photographer. You seem to be doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing. Keep it coming.
Emma - Thank you so much Mitzi!
Emma Nathews - Thank you @[1101675809:2048:Glenda]